To Daniel My Brother (1977-2006)

Today is my brothers birthday! While he is in the most glorious place ever (Heaven) we celebrate him and miss him dearly. I’m so grateful for him and I admire my mom and dad so much as they have endured and carried on- of that he would have wanted them to.

I wish everyone had a chance to meet Daniel.

My Mom wrote this poem for Daniel on November 15, 1993. He was 16 at the time. We had many more years with him until the Lord took him Home in 2006.

Below are more blog posts to help you know him a little more!

Not much of a chance was he given when born.

His skull was fractured, his little body limp.

Oh! How I mourned!

But I could hold him, and love him.

He surprised us with a spirit so young,

Smiling and eyes full of mischief,

His world had just begun.

We helped him, and we loved him.

Through the croup, asthma, bladder and leg surgeries

He has taken it all in stride.

He is a winner, and a man.

In him we take so much pride.

You are almost grown now.

Sometimes it has been hard, and we are not done.

But we love you and admire you;

And we are proud to call you “Our son.”

Thank you for letting us hold you, and love you.

~Jan Sprott

In his own words:

In my dad’s words:

In my words:

3 thoughts on “To Daniel My Brother (1977-2006)

  1. Pingback: The Last Weekend by my Sister, Emily S. McIllwain | Meet Me in the Mornings

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