
“It Is Well With My Soul”…we were meeting with the pastor who was doing my brother’s funeral and the song my dad chose to be sung was this. I couldn’t believe it. Why we we choose such a song when it was obviously NOT well with our souls? I wanted to scream “NO! Not this song!”

My mind kept unraveling…”Let’s sing about how un-well this is! It’s wrong. And why? This is not right or fair and I do not accept it, Lord.”

My soul was screaming in anger not in well-being.

By the time the funeral came around, a few days later, I had no choice. I think I sang the words through sobs, however, my soul certainly was not singing.

I’ve thought since then that maybe we sang these words as an anthem of what was to come; of our souls eventually being okay – well – with such a great loss. Maybe it was to lay the groundwork to be done to be healed of the pain? Maybe it was because my daddy knows Romans 8:28* and claimed it that day for himself, our family and everyone affected by my precious brothers death.

It took years for me to be “well with my soul” that my brother was gone. But eventually God brought that peace. My brother is free, he no longer hurts, he has a perfect body and is spending his time praising the Lord (and fishing I hope?). Things are well for him and because of that and God’s grace and faithfulness, things are well with my soul, too.

Daniel Matthew Sprott July 12, 1977 – October 19, 2006

“And we know God causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.” Romans 8:28

10 thoughts on “Well

  1. I enjoyed your posts – and reading some of your previous posts and tributes to your brother. What a blessing and gift to have had such a special relationship!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank-you for sharing your brother’s story. I read your father’s post–what a blessing your brother brought to your family. What a wonderful day it will be when we are reunited with friends and family that have gone before us to eternal life.

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  3. Sarah I loved reading all this. Sweet sister. Makes me miss him and sad though. I think I do better not thinking seriously about what all we all went thru )Daniel) and only think of the funny stuff. Or how onery he was. Makes it easier but I have a peace about his life and he isn’t suffering. All you said💗💙

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  4. Sweet words Sarah about your brother. We definitely all have those times when “it is not well with OUR soul” but He knows through Him we will see that it is. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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