No Other Book

We are such a blessed generation and a blessed people group in our country that we have such unending access to God’s Word.  Not every country has this abundance of Bibles (or Bible apps!) and not always were they found at every bookstore and on every bookshelf.

We’ve been studying Moses in my BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) class and when I think back to that time I try to vision myself there.  Not only void of the Holy Spirit but with no Bible at hand.  In fact, they only came together once every 7 years to publicly read the words of the law…can you imagine only hearing Scripture every 7 years??  Oh how wayward I think I would be without the anchor of His Word during life.  This was why they wrote it on their foreheads and bound it to their bodies…so they wouldn’t forget; this was why Moses stressed over and over teaching the Law to their children and why they all practiced memorizing it- to carry it from generation to generation.

When was the last time you memorized a Bible verse as an adult?  It’s been a while for me but something I want to start doing again on a regular basis; after all, memorizing scripture isn’t just for our children, we never stop needing the words of God and what better place for them to be than written on our hearts.  We do this by reading them, memorizing and meditating on them, letting them sink deep into our souls so they are there when we need them for ourselves or even to help others.  (some ideas below!)

“The Word of God is alive and active…” Hebrews 4:12

Not only is the Bible one of a kind in it’s physical appearance (don’t you just love the sound and feel of the pages?), it’s the only book whose Author is always present.  No other book has the power to change lives, to save, to offer grace, hope and encouragement like the Bible does.  No other book speaks from God’s heart or of His love like the Bible does.  It’s one big book made up of a treasure of books; His Words with the purpose of showing us His love, mercy and the desires and many promises He has for us.  It breathes of our need for a Savior and tells of the fulfillment of this Savior’s many wonders while He came to save the lost and desperate.

The Book tells of the faith of those who knew Him and walked with Him…and of those who didn’t.  A collection of biographies of the lives of imperfect individuals (and One extremely perfect individual!), the Bible reveals promises of blessings in obedience and consequences of sin, with every word pointing towards Jesus Christ.  Weaved throughout the thin pages is a thickness that can’t be described, only experienced for oneself.

It brings life, it changes lives, it brings conviction, salvation, sanctification…it brings heaven to our souls, it brings HOPE.  It directs our steps and shows us the way.  No matter where you are in life, it’s never too early or too late to open and learn of the greatest Book filled with the most amazing love story that leads the Way, shares the Truth and gives us Life.

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

Ideas for Scripture memorization~

  • Index cards– write the verse on an index card and carry it everywhere with you; your car dashboard is a great place for Bible verses!  Currently on mine I have a verse card with 2 Corinthians 5:9, “Whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please Him.”  Much needed in the car! 🙂
  • Post-it notes– post them on your bathroom mirror and practice memorization while you brush your teeth
  • ABC Scripture cards—  26 verses on individual cards they are great for both kids and adults!  They come with an easel and can be put anywhere (we have ours on our breakfast counter)
  • ABC Printable Scriptures— we love these to give as gifts too! We print them off, laminate, cut accordingly, punch hole in corner of each one and bind together with metal ring and decorate with ribbon
  • Scripture Jar– on small pieces of paper, write out several verses that are general or even more specific for the season of life you are in.  Fold them up and put them in the jar.  Pick one a week to focus on and memorize (or more if you want!)
  • Music– listen to Christian music.  So many of the songs are actually verses put to music.  Listen to some kids music too, we love the Rizers, they take scripture and put music to it in catchy fun songs (you tube has several videos or you can buy the CD’s on amazon).  We love Pandora stations like Cedermont Kids Worship, Totally Kids Worship, Praise Baby, Veggietales Radio, and Jesus Loves the Little Children.

I’m praying the Words of God become more alive than ever to each of us and that we never cease growing in our faith!  Blessing friends! 🙂

5 thoughts on “No Other Book

  1. Pingback: Need Something Strong & Secure to Hold Onto? | My Blog

  2. Pingback: Need Something Strong & Secure to Hold Onto? | Meet Me in the Mornings

  3. The Bible is enough, isn’t it, Sarah! Studying it is a way of demonstrating our faith. Thanks for your encouraging words! Dad


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