What a Relief

Relief: a feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress.

Everyday I mess up as a mom. And everyday I am given grace.

What a relief.

Everyday I need something other than myself to help me. Everyday I ask, seek and surrender I am given the Holy Spirit’s help.

What a relief.

Everyday I get it wrong, say the wrong things or think unpleasant thoughts. Everyday I confess I am forgiven.

What a relief.

His death on the cross and resurrection sealed our fate as believers. Eternity with Him.

What a relief.

The words he left behind and how to live this life.

What a relief.

Yes, what a relief it is to have such a God! To send His one and only Son to die for us, to raise Him for us, to send His Spirit to help us, to give us the Bible to guide us. To give us access to Our Great Creator through prayer.

What a great relief it is.

Are we living in this relief today or merely going our own way?

Lord, help us to know these truths and live them out everyday. Thank You for paying the price for our sins and for granting us eternal life, your Spirit and your Word. You have truly given us everything we need to pursue life and godliness this side of our eternal home. What a relief. I love you. In your Son’s saving name, amen.

7 thoughts on “What a Relief

  1. I cannot do all this alone,
    bit off more than I can chew;
    so, I hereby do atone,
    and ask for help from You.
    I didn’t think it was that hard,
    but time has overtaken me
    and hoist now on my pride’s petard,
    I realise, and now I see
    that life itself comes undone
    without the healing balm of grace,
    blood offering of God’s Son,
    salt tears on the Father’ face.
    Please forgive my haughty mien,
    and in His Blood, please wash me clean.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, the burdens we bear – and continually stack one upon another – when we fail to seek His relief. That is ours for the asking! I, too, am so thankful for His grace. Daily grace! Really enjoyed your post!

    Liked by 1 person

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